DevOps culture completely focuses on building a collaborative culture among various teams to improve efficiency through automation tools. It is not just the collaboration among teams or use of automation tools only but the reality is that it is a combination of both DevOps culture as well as automation tools to create continuous integration, continuous development, and continuous delivery pipeline successfully. Further, in this article, we are going to discuss these two important DevOps values.
DevOps Culture
DevOps culture demands the following qualities among team members.
- Increased collaboration among various team members. It acts as an opportunity where team members of various teams, such as the development team, testing team, operation teams, etc. work together with a single focus to make the product successful.
- Discouraging the team members who work in silos. The team members who are working in silo adds very little value to the team as they build a virtual barrier in communication with other team members. Every successful project demands a good deal of communication as well as collaboration among team members as it is the key to build any project successfully.
- Encouraging the shared responsibility of building any product. When we talk about collaboration then the shared responsibility is imperative. One cannot blame any team member if any module is not functioning well, instead, the team members should come forward to help other team members and make the product working as expected.
- Emphasizing on forming the autonomous teams. Autonomy provides confidence to the team member through which they can work freely and deliver their best to the team to build the product quickly without compromising the quality.
- Improving the quality of work through collaboration and early feedback. As the team is more focused on their work, the better will be the product quality. This equation is directly proportional and the collaboration factor adds more weights to the actual equation.
- Valuing the feedback of every responsible team member towards product development. It is very important to act early on any feedback if it is making any impact on the product. Early we discover the defect or flaw; more time we can save in the product delivery to the end-user at later part of the project.
- Increasing automation of the workflows and chains to save the time which was wasted due to delay in receiving feedback, dependency on a particular member in the team, etc.
The above points clearly state that the DevOps culture has many values that resemble the agile values as DevOps is an extension of agile methodology. Agile methodology is a more all-inclusive way of delivering products. In Agile development practices, teams measure the progress in terms of a working product. It has roles such as Product owners, team members (developers, testers, and UX people), and scrum master who work closely together with the same goals.
DevOps is an extension to Agile where it adds the operations’ as a team member with those responsibilities into the agile team. The DevOps progress is measured in terms of working software in the customer’s hands. The DevOps culture can be achieved only if the development team and the operations team break down the silos and collaborate, takes the shared responsibility for maintaining the system that executes the product and prepare the product to run on the system with increased feedback frequency on quality and delivery automation.
DevOps Tools
DevOps tools are the automation tools that help in creating an automated workflow or chain just like a manufacturing factory. It consists of configuration management, repository, builds systems, automation test tool, application deployment tool, version control, and monitoring tools. Continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment require orchestration of these tools and it is a must that the selection of these tools should be compatible with each other in terms of integration. Some of the key tools and practices are as follows.
Source Code Repository: A source code repository is a centralized repository where developers continuously check-in and check out code. The source code repository should be capable to manage the various code versions that are checked in so that developers do not overwrite each other’s work. It should maintain the author’s details, date, and time details for each version of the code. It should be capable to compare the code versions and outline the changes made in the code. The following are the popular source code repository tools.
Build Server: Build server is an automation tool where the code gets compiled after being checked out of the source code repository into the executable code base. The following are the popular build tools.
Configuration Management: It defines the server or an environment configuration. The following are the popular configuration management tools.
Test Automation: DevOps testing is completely focused on the automated testing within the build pipeline to ensure that the deployable build has passed the necessary tests, and it is ready to be deployed. Test automation makes us very confident about the recent build to get deployed on production without any human intervention. The following are the popular tools.
- Selenium
- Water
Code Deployment: Code deployment tools help to automate the code deployment to different environments on target servers or machines. The following are the popular tools.
Monitoring Tools: The monitoring tools in the DevOps help to monitor the activities such as volume of code check-in made by the developer over time, number of build failures and success, vulnerability scan of the build, etc. The following are the popular monitoring tools.
In this article, we discussed the values of the DevOps culture which comprises a combination of the DevOps culture and the automation tools.
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