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SQL Order by Clause – ASC/DESC keywords

Sql order by clause

When we execute the data using SQL SELECT statement then data is sorted as default order in search result. It means data in the search result is displayed as added in the database table. In this article we are concentrating on simple ways to sort the data differently using Order by clause & how we sort the data on multiple columns using single query. Also we are covering how to sort the data for different data types like String, Datetime, Numeric etc.

Order by clause:

To sort the result set we can use Order by clause in either ascending or descending order. This clause is used with conjection of SELECT statement.

What are DESC and ASC Keywords?

DESC is used to the query to sort result by descendingASC is used to the query to sort result by ascending
Query result is sorted from Bottom to Top.Query result is sorted from Top to Bottom.
For Date types the latest dates are resulted at the top of the result list.For Date types the old dates are resulted at the top of the result list.
For Numeric data types the Largest number are resulted at the top of the result list.For Numeric data types the lowest number are resulted at the top of the result list.
For String data types the result list is sorted with the letter from Z to A.For String data types the result list is sorted with the letter from A to Z.

The DESC and ASC keywords are used with the combination of Select statement & the ORDER BY clause.

Let’s see how these both keywords are use in the basic query statement:

ASC/DESC basic syntax:

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
ORDER BY column_name(s) ASC|DESC

So here we see what is use of each objects:

Let’s see upon executing following query on Employee table resulting following list:

SELECT * FROM Employee

Following is the result upon executing the above SQL query:

1Tanya SmithFemale1982-09-309123456789
2Janet TampiFemale1980-07-109876543210
3Nilsen PhilMaleNULL9112233445
4Nilsen JonesMale1983-09-179988776655
5Peter WillamsMale1980-07-129944552299

If company wants the list of employee details list with the elder to younger as Birthday. So you can get a list by executing query on database using Order by keyword with DESC as below.

SELECT * FROM Employee 

Following is the result upon executing the above SQL query:

4Nilsen JonesMale1983-09-179988776655
1Tanya SmithFemale1982-09-309123456789
5Peter WillamsMale1980-07-129944552299
2Janet TampiFemale1980-07-109876543210
3Nilsen PhilMaleNULL9112233445

Note: In the sorting NULL values means consider as no values i.e. not zero or empty string. In this example we also see how the NULL results are sorted.

We can use same query with ascending order by using following query:

SELECT * FROM Employee
ORDER BY Date_Of_Birth ASC


SELECT * FROM Employee
ORDER BY Date_Of_Birth

Following is the result upon executing the above SQL query:

3Nilsen PhilMaleNULL9112233445
2Janet TampiFemale1980-07-109876543210
5Peter WillamsMale1980-07-129944552299
1Tanya SmithFemale1982-09-309123456789
4Nilsen JonesMale1983-09-179988776655

If we sort the result using String then, the query result set are sorted from those starting with the letter Z going down to the letter A.

SELECT * FROM Employee

Following is the result upon executing the above SQL query:

2Janet TampiFemale1980-07-109876543210
4Nilsen JonesMale1983-09-179988776655
3Nilsen PhilMaleNULL9112233445
5Peter WillamsMale1980-07-129944552299
1Tanya SmithFemale1982-09-309123456789

We can use the Sorting of two column using Single query. In this example we are sorting first column with ascending & second column with descending order.

SELECT * FROM Employee
ORDER BY Gender, Date_Of_Birth DESC

Following is the result upon executing the above SQL query:

1Tanya SmithFemale1982-09-309123456789
2Janet TampiFemale1980-07-109876543210
4Nilsen JonesMale1983-09-179988776655
5Peter WillamsMale1980-07-129944552299
3Nilsen PhilMaleNULL9112233445

The gender column was sorted in ascending order by default while the Birth date column was sorted in descending order explicitly.


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